Procedure To Use PHP For Sending Whatsapp Message In 30 Seconds

  Nowadays, everyone is using WhatsApp. It is basically considered as the top messaging app, which has been used worldwide. Around 1.5 billion users are using WhatsApp at present, and for each day, 60 billion messages have been sent approximately. It is very reliable and secure to use. A recent survey says that many online businesses have been using WhatsApp to reach their clients or customers rather than using an ordinary SMS. WhatsApp is acting as the best communication media. Here, you can find the procedure involved in integrating WhatsApp message via Twilio API for the purpose of WhatsApp messaging into your application.
In order to do this process, you must be aware of UNIX or Linux commands and PHP web development. In case you do not have enough knowledge, then proceed further.
What applications need to be installed?
  • Twilio Account which has been activated via WhatsApp sandbox channel
  • Composer
  • PHP version 7.0 or above
Creating WhatsApp Twilio Project:
  • At first, you have to create and verify the Twilio account.
  • Then, to create a project, you will be redirected to the particular dashboard
  • Select the programmable SMS option, which is available under the products tab
  • Then you have to click continue
  • After that, you have to enter your project name.
  • In order to test the app, it will load the account with a trial balance, which has been utilized to buy MMS, SMS, and voice capabilities.
  • To active the sandbox, you have to choose WhatsApp beta in the dashboard.
  • To send a WhatsApp message via your device, you will then redirect to the dashboard where you are needed to connect to the sandbox.
  • Now, one can able to send messages via WhatsApp effectively,
You have to open the project in your required IDE, and then you have to start PHP web development coding send messages via WhatsApp. In order to install the PHP.env package and Twilio SDK officially, the process of retrieving the environment variables will take place to send WhatsApp messages.
WhatsApp message testing:
To grab the Twilio Token and Twilio SID, you have to move to the Twilio dashboard and then have to update your values in .env file. In your terminal, you have to type PHP twilioWhatsAppMessaging.PHP to run the application. Finally, the process is completed, and you can send WhatsApp message with PHP in 30 seconds

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