New feature update of OS 72 brings Android Pie and Google Assistant support!


People are getting anxious to find out what’s baking in Google OS 72. The Android 9 pie support and the native Google assistant are the added perks in the new update. Google moved in this latest version from beta to release status. 

The only difference, you’ll notice the changes-- if you are using the correct device. You can learn more if this update is affecting your device by opening About Device. 

Surprisingly, this news of update is not being promoted by Google , possibly because the release notes don’t cover much of tidbit. 
Along with many bug fixes, this new update focuses on some the major features like native Google Assistant, Picture-in-Picture mode, and  external storage access.

This  new support also adds Android 9 pie to Chromebooks. The features first were limited to Android browser, but now have been rolled out for Mac, Windows etc. 

The stable update number 72.0.3626.97 has been updated for most of the Chrome OS devices. 

Read further to know more on the added features which can be useful for Android App development in future :

Google Assistant: 

It is now integrated into Chrome OS. the phone sized panel in the bottom-left corner is now replaced with new search/App launcher.

Like any other virtual assistant, it will greet you with “Hi, how can I help?”. User can raise a query either by typing or by voice search. Also, the Android setting page in the chrome OS is now styled with colorful material theme icons.


This feature can be enabled using an extension in Youtube and has been available for Chrome OS for several releases now. There’s a new PiP button at the bottom of the corners of any videos. Though limited to websites, this feature has the ability to resize the video by dragging at the top-left corner.

External Drive Support:

This new OS 72 update comes with external drive supports for Android apps. This means, you can now access files from app accessories emulated via Google Play Store.
It seems great that the pain points of Chrome OS users are addressed in this update.The only thing we can do as of now is to wait for the update or reach out to an Android App Development company. The update will be rolled out and made available on Chromebooks soon. 

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