9 Top Personal Assistant Apps For Android That Encroached The Market Place

Hiring a personal assistant for yourself may sound pricey, but not anymore. With a glut of personal assistants apps available in the market, Siri looks like just the tip of the iceberg. There are apps that go beyond Siri and serves exceptionally well. 

Some Android smartphones are already equipped with personal assistants app and others may require a download. 

Personal Assistant apps have the ability to organize and maintain information including calendar, events, files etc. They can handle the task on the basis of information available online without user initiation or interaction. 

We have become so dependent on such applications that almost 42% of smartphone users take help from AI-based personal assistant apps. These apps have the ability to transform the world like never before. With the growing demand for AI, you can hire an Android App developer to create an application.

If you thought Siri has ruled the personal assistant app genre, you are wrong. Some of the other apps that are squirming the market place are:


Though Windows Phone was the least popular of the phone systems, its virtual assistant app, Cortana is breaking the records. You can handle any query just by saying, “Hey Cortana!”

Android Alexa:

This great app works only on Amazon Fire device or Amazon Echo device. Alexa is just like a controller of any device and has the ability to do web searches, send SMS, listen to favorite music or even order a pizza. 

Google Assistant:

The ultimate winner of the personal assistant apps is Google Assistant. The most popular and anticipated app can be integrated with Home’s stuff like Philips Hue Lights. It has the ability to process query immediately and show the most accurate results. 


Available only on Samsung’s devices, Bixby almost understands your behavior and pattern of browsing. It will show you everything that you once wanted or are looking for. There is much more than you expect from Bixby. 

Lyra Virtual Assistant:

This simple yet functional personal assistant apps can do a lot of basic stuff like searching for YouTube videos, find directions, crack jokes and others. Material design is simple and looks pretty good. 

Other apps in the race are:
  • Robin;
  • To do list apps;
  • Hound; 
  • Dragon mobile assistant.
Android app development companies in USA are loving the growing trend of AI-based intelligent applications. Go ahead now downloading the apps and making the best use of it. It’s worth spending time on apps that will design your life all new way and is just a few clicks away.

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