Some Commonly Made Mistakes With Robot.txt Files That You Need To Avoid


While you have an online store or website it becomes really important to get your SEO ranged well in the Google search engines. There is no doubt that there are many ways to get that huge trafficking or that boast in your SEO ranking but Magento has introduced robot txt files which efficiently helps in maintaining the good bonding of the site with that of the Google search engines. This file won’t eat up much of your storage rather it would just take few bytes to give you efficient services. It is because of it that you are able to grant as well as block permission of certain things in your website or online store. While this one facility helps us a lot but we still make certain mistake and destroy the trafficking of our site so it is always better to Hire Magento 2 Developer to get things done. Here are few mistakes that you need to avoid regarding robot txt files in order to receive better results: No robots txt file: Well the first mistake that we often commit is to not getting any robot.txt file for our site and by doing this we are literally inviting parasites to come and destroy our site or online reputation. Well it entirely depends upon you to get certain things hidden in your website or not and in case you have entirely an unhidden website then there are high chances that a duplicate content can be published in different URL which would destroy your position in Google search engines. Empty robot.txt: Well this thing is just similar to not having any robot.txt file for your website as an empty robot.txt won’t help you in anyways. So you would be suffering from the same condition as no robot.txt file can cause and that condition is definitely dangerous for the reputation of your website. Hiding things or not is different but getting copied is worse when it comes to online marketing. Default robot.txt: Default robot.txt which allows accessing almost everything in the website is as similar as having no robot.txt file. There is simply no point of having any robot.txt file if you are letting everyone get into your website and allow everyone to access almost everything. There needs to be certain restrictions and the default setting of your robot.txt file needs to be disallow for certain things that you need o chose wisely pr you can Hire Magento Developer to get things done accordingly. Robot.txt for blocking access to the sensitive parts of the site: If you feel that there is any area in your website which needs to be private and not accessible for anyone then you cannot leave it as it is rather you need to password protect the area. This would be a deed of a foolish person if anyone uses robot.txt to block the access to those areas. You need to understand that this particular facility is just a recommendation and not a set of strict rules. Here are few mistakes that people commonly make for their website while working with robot.txt that you need to avoid committing.

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