5 Magento SEO Hacks to Get High Ranking on SERP

Today, every organization is interested in improving their visibility on the web. Many are looking for shortcuts. The fact of the matter is that SEO is more of a long game and anyone promising quick results should be greeted with a high level of disbelief. As it is evident that it takes lots of hard work, skill, and sometimes luck. So here are some of the cool tips and tricks to improve the Google ranking of Magento Development Company.

Magento Development Company

Start With a Sound Foundation

Falsely managed website structure and information architecture can doom even the best SEO campaigns. If the website is difficult for users to navigate and Google to crawl, the rankings are likely to suffer. Business owners should think about “usability first” on a mobile platform. That is the pathway to success.

  • Perform Technical SEO Audit 

The Google Algorithm incorporates hundreds and thousands of signals, plus machine learning to determine search rankings. Therefore, tending to the SEO basics will give an advantage over many competitors.

  • Fix Duplicate Content 

Technical issues are often related to Duplicate content. The most common being multiple versions of the same page. This can be resolved by setting the proper redirect rules in merchants .htaccess file.

Optimize For Mobile

With Google rolling out the mobile first index, the website needs to pass the mobile-friendly test. The web giant company stated that their crawling, indexing, and ranking systems have typically used the desktop version of a page’s content. 

In order to avoid a mobile ranking meltdown, business owners should double down on mobile tasks and performance.

Optimize For Speed

Business owners should continuously monitor the speed for both mobile or desktop and keep improving it. They can use Google PageSpeed tool to benchmark performance.

  • Image File Size 

Before uploading, merchants can further optimize their image by using an image compression and optimizing tool. Lastly, they should always confirm that the dimensions of the image fit into the reserved image space to retain a clean, structured look on their live page.

  • Browser Caching 

A number of resources are loaded when a web browser loads a page. Browser caching stores these resources files locally on the user’s computer. Thus, those  resources need not be loaded again, when the user navigates to a new page. For most sites, the best way to enable browser caching is by adding code to the web server .htaccess file and for WordPress, there are plugins available to accomplish this.

Follow Persistent Tag Structure

Magento web store owner should focus on creating a persistent tag structure for each of their product page. They can use H1 tags for Catalogue name and H3 tags for the products names under their product catalog pages. This will help them to get higher visibility on search engine platforms. These two tags will help search bots to know about the importance of their content on each product page.

On Page Optimization

Google has produced a Search Engine Optimization starter guide meant for anyone interested in promoting online content via Google search. Just doing the basics right as with website architecture, will put the businesses head and shoulders above many of the competitors.

Final Thoughts

Anyone serious about digital marketing needs to take a long view as Google continues to close the door on spammy techniques and schemes. The Magento Development Services provide guidelines to their customers but still, they require to work hard and need a continual investment of resources.

Author bio:

Author - Harshal Shah

Address-305,306 Iscon Center,
Shivranjani Cross Road, Satellite,
Ahmedabad, India.

Phone number- +91 79 4006 2525

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