Laravel 5.6: Most Trendy Features to Showcase

Laravel 5.6 was released in no time before the current year's Laracon online. This release proceeds with the upgrades made in Laravel 5.5 by including all the more new highlights and enhancements. In this article, you will cover the new highlights and changes added to Laravel 5.6 and for Laravel development, consider hiring a PHP developer.
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Let’s explore the new features of Laravel 5.6.

Bootstrap 4

Bootstrap 4 has been authoritatively released after more than two years of it being developed. In this vein, all frontend framework, for example, the verification standard, case Vue segment and even the pagination interface age in Laravel have been moved up to utilize Bootstrap 4.

public function boot () 

If you are updating your application from Laravel 5.5, you can keep on using Bootstrap 3 by including the line of code underneath to the boot()

This will enable your application to utilize Bootstrap 3 as the default styling for pagination joins.

Argon2 Password Hashing

With the arrival of PHP 7.2, which underpins argon2 password hashing, Laravel now bolsters password hashing through the Argon2 calculation. Another config/hashing.php arrangement record is presently being delivered with Laravel, which can be utilized to design the default hash driver for your application. Visit here : Features to Explore: Laravel 5.6.15 & 5.5.40 With Security Patch

API Controller Generation

Laravel 5.6 makes it substantially less demanding to assemble APIs with Laravel. It presents another - programming interface change to the make: controller Artisan order:

$ php artisan make:controller API/BookController --API

This will produce Box Controller with just the techniques (list, store, refresh and crush) required when building APIs. This counteracts having make() and alter() littering around or having to physically erase them yourself since they are not valuable when building APIs.

This presentation joined with the API resource() while characterizing ingenious courses, implies great experience building API with Laravel Development services. To figure out how to consolidate these highlights together with API assets, see my other instructional exercise on [Build hearty API with Laravel API Resources].

Logging changes

Signing in Laravel has turned into a great deal better with the arrival of Laravel 5.6. The logging framework now has it possess committed config/logging.php design document. You would now be able to effectively fabricate logging stacks that send log messages to various handlers.

'channels' => [
      'stack' => [
        'driver' => 'stack',
        'channels' => ['syslog', 'slack'],
      'syslog' => [
        'driver' => 'syslog',
        'level' => 'debug',
      'slack' => [
        'driver' => 'slack',
        'url' => env('LOG_SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL'),
        'username' => 'Laravel Log',
        'emoji' => ':boom:',
        'level' => 'critical',

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From the config record above, we are stacking various channels (syslog and slack) so all troubleshoot level messages will be sent to the framework log while all blunder level messages be sent to Slack with the goal that your group can rapidly respond to mistakes.


It is likewise now less demanding to modify existing log channels utilizing the logging framework's new tap usefulness. For Laravel 5.6, consider checking the Laravel app development Company all around the world for more details visit here:

Author - Harshal Shah

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