Make Money Online With Google Adsense and WordPress

Google Adsense and WordPress

Blogging with one of finest CMS platform that is WordPress is a great job to do. WordPress is a popular open source website creating tool and at present, there are thousands of websites which are based on WordPress and more 70% of them are blogging websites. Blogging On any topic or any technology is just like stepping up with your own passion. But what if you can earn with your passion. Yes! You heard correct. WordPress development company in USA made possible to make money online with Google Adsense and WordPress together.

Let’s see how this can be done.
  • Login To Google Adsense
Google Adsense is owned by Google so it is obvious that you will need a Google account to take benefits from its feature. While signing in for Google AdSense, you will find two options. There you will get an option to create a new Google account and an option to sign in with your existing Google account to get started with Adsense. All you need is to enter your credential and sign in to your Google Adsense.

Google Adsense
Move Further With Adsense Program Application

When you will enter Adsense, you will find an application form which you have to fill. It’s not a big process, you can easily complete it in few minutes. Now, moving to the next part. Here, you will have to add some of the basic information about your WordPress website and it’s URL. After this, Adsense will be asking for your payment details where Google can pay you. Next, you will have to verify your phone number.

Once this process is completed, Adsense will provide you the HTML codes which you have to add to your website and have to wait for 48 hours as Google take time to review your website. This process can even take two weeks to complete.

Install Adsense Plugin On Your WordPress Website

All you need is to install Google Adsense plugin to your WordPress. There many tools which can add Google Adsense to your site and can even handle it easily. It’s time to place your ads on Google Adsense.

That’s how you make money online by adding Google Adsense to your WordPress website. For any further query, you can contact WordPress development company in USA.

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