Follow These 7 Compelling Steps To Boost Your Sales Using Beacon Technology

Apple introduced Bluetooth iBeacon back in 2013 but Google’s entry into the Beacon technology is the Game changer. It is expected to break all the records and drive more than $44 billion in retail sales. People are liking the luxury feeling they get when they enter the shoe store and the phone suddenly pings up the display of the red shoes you have been eyeing on. Amazing feature right? With the help of this technology, retailers are able to attract more customer. Consumers demand are easily encountered and have a remarkable influence on the customer purchase decision. Macy’s, Urban Outfitters, Lord and Taylor, and many others have already started using the technology and are best benefitting. This smart technology uses Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) transmitters to send notifications in your proximity. Here are the 7 essential steps of using beacon technology for retail marketing. Do you know how beacon works? You need to have the basics clear before implementing. As mention...