Some Commonly Made Mistakes With Robot.txt Files That You Need To Avoid

Source While you have an online store or website it becomes really important to get your SEO ranged well in the Google search engines. There is no doubt that there are many ways to get that huge trafficking or that boast in your SEO ranking but Magento has introduced robot txt files which efficiently helps in maintaining the good bonding of the site with that of the Google search engines. This file won’t eat up much of your storage rather it would just take few bytes to give you efficient services. It is because of it that you are able to grant as well as block permission of certain things in your website or online store. While this one facility helps us a lot but we still make certain mistake and destroy the trafficking of our site so it is always better to Hire Magento 2 Developer to get things done. Here are few mistakes that you need to avoid regarding robot txt files in order to receive better results: No robots txt file: Well the first mistake that we often commit is to ...